Contact BlogStudies

Welcome to the BlogStudies contact page. The Contact BlogStudies page is created to solve your general and advertisement-related queries. To answer your queries, we expect you to follow specific rules to add maximum value for both of us.

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If you have any general questions, bothering you like anything. Don’t just wait. Throw them on us. We will try our best to solve your queries.


We welcome your suggestions. If you find any element on the BlogStudies, that we can improve we will do it for you.

Suggest a particular topic you want us to cover. How would this topic benefit the readers of BlogStudies? Support your suggestion with a logical reason.


Your genuine feedback will motivate us to create quality content for the people who truly need it.


We welcome you for advertising opportunities with us.

We Love Authors

We at BlogStudies respect authors as we do our readers. We welcome authors to submit their original content that should not be published anywhere else. Also, adhere to the guidelines of BlogStudies. Your content should match the niche of the platform. Once we find your submission publishable, we will go ahead. In return, you can expect a quality backlink from us ✌.

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We take strict action against spammers. It may cost you an IP ban. So we request you not to spoil our hard work doing for the WordPress community.

Try to be as much descriptive as you can for your query. We try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Note:- You can find your answers by using our quick search page. Just give it a try by typing a keyword.

BlogStudies exists to serve you with its 100% free content. We request you keep supporting and motivating us to create quality content for you. Stay updated by subscribing to our weekly content updates.

Our Social Addresses

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You can join our Facebook group BlogStudies Vitamins to ask questions and interact with group members. We encourage you to share your WordPress experiences with WordPress enthusiasts.